Friday, 31 July 2015

Let's Play Door Kickers, Part One

Indeed, let's. Let's kick down some doors. In Door Kickers. This one could easily turn into a series, which would make this part one, where I go through the basic gameplay and mess around with some early missions.

Since it's me, I get some cops killed, indulge in some minor fat shaming (it's okay, I'm having difficulty tying my own shoes these days, so I think I'm allowed), attempt to pay tribute to one of the greatest unsung heroes of Star Wars by getting his name wrong (I'm so sorry, Porkins), discuss the (surely) far fetched linguistics behind weird names like Piere Åkerblom and question my superiors, who deemed a 50% casualty rate an "improvement". The cold hearted bastards!

Let's Play Door Kickers, Part One

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Kicking Down Some Doors

Door Kickers is a lovely little indie title that I fear might have passed many a gamers by without much notice. It's the sort of title that lends itself perfectly to both PC and Tablet/Mobile gaming thanks to a perfectly executed UI and crisp, clear 2D graphics. Someone really ought to give it some well-deserved attention, don't you think?

"You rang?"

Door Kickers is a real-time tactical SWAT simulator with free pause from KillHouse Games. In it, you take control of a SWAT team and fight your way through meth-cooking apartments, hostage-littered office locales and pimped out drug lord yachts, all using a combination of real-time maneuvres and intricate planning while paused. You can choose between single missions of various difficulty or several campaigns with tiered missions and full, XP-driven squad control. Everything is top-down, extremely intuitive and it's a hoot to play.

Let's Play Offworld Trading Company, Part One

As promised, I now have my first Let's Play video for Offworld Trading Company uploaded to youtube. It's a glorious example of what I talked about yesterday, wherein I have a lot of fun being absolutely goddamn awful at the game. So take a gander and see me lower the difficulty setting for no good reason, miss most of the things happening to me and completely fail to utilize the Offworld Market in the correct way.

Let's Play Offworld Trading Company

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

The Bad Kind of Fun

I'm not very good at playing games, which is sort of a shocker since that's pretty much all I do.

Sure, sometimes I'll stuff my face, change diapers (I'm just gonna let the question hang in the air) or drink way too much coffee, but other than that, there's not a lot going on that doesn't involve a computer and stuff I click on. And yet, I often find myself cranking the difficulty setting down all the way to "are you kidding me?" before I reach my comfort zone.

It's not that I'm stupid, because I'm not. I mean, I do stupid stuff all the time, but I don't think I am stupid. There are plenty of people whom I consider to be a lot dumber than me, who are able to out-game me at every turn. I can figure shit out. I can add numbers together and get other numbers back in return. I can follow along with even the most convoluted movie plots. But I can't for the life of me apply a decent strategy in any of the several strategy games I enjoy playing. So what the hell is going on then?

Well, there are several things going on I suppose, but they all lead to a happy place where I can frolic with unicorns at my leisure: a place where I'm able to have fun, despite being really, really bad at something. Sounds great, doesn't it? Don't worry, just take my hand and I'll lead you there.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Total Warhammer

Why? Why didn't they name it that? It's, like... right... there!

I realise I'm a little late on the ball here, but I simply can't wait for this behemoth to ruin my (already non-existent) social life. I mean, it's Total War and it's frickin' Warhammer, all baked into one delicious gaming cake. It's Total War: Medieval with orcs and fire wizards. It's the ultimate arm-seat general meets the place where it's always raining and you're there. It's taking a dump and eating at the same time (No? Just me?). What could possibly go wrong?`


Friday, 24 July 2015

Going Offworld for Some Trading

I'm not a big fan of competitive multiplayer, so it's rare for me to find such a game that I truly enjoy. There's something about the genre that just irks me. Maybe it's the (often) heavy focus on APM; the art of flailing your hands around like an epileptic going for the mother of all seizures, or maybe I'm just too old to withstand the pressures of an amphetamine-fuelled competition. To me, most competitive RTS games rely far too much on speed and quick decision making, and not nearly enough on slowly building momentum and the stroking of beards. But in the upcoming wall street-in-space simulator Offworld Trading Company, I might just have found what I'm looking for.

In Defence of Early Access

I'm a sucker for Early Access. There, I've said it.

I know that to a lot of people, the service (provided by Steam) is little more than a red flag, something to rally against in the name of consumer rights, but to me, it's where I find most of my games these days. That probably has to do with the fact that most Early Access games are indie titles, and the ones that aren't tend to be large, sprawling sandboxes. In other words, it's all right up my alley.

Still, the service has a reputation of being sort of a rip-off, a reputation I feel is undeserved. The truth is that considering how wide open the field is for exploitation, I'm amazed by how rare the outright scams are. The most notable, and therefore also the ones most often brought up, examples of epic fails within Early Access are Spacebase DF-9 and Earth: Year 2066. Those are the titles people will point to as an example of how few fucks are given within the service. But to be honest, only one of them was an outright scam, and while we're being honest, are we really pretending that Earth: Year 2066 ever looked and felt like a real game? That spotting it's status as a shovelware in the making was a difficult task?

Using Impact and the Canvas filter effect from photoshop in your promotional material: 
the true mark of a quality product.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Games of Yore

For as long as I can remember, I've been a gamer. Even before I unpacked my first C-64 with trembling hands, on what I now realise was the best damn Christmas eve of my life (The Christmas of Castle Greyskull coming in as a distant second) you would find me hunched over an LCD-game, or you wouldn't find me at all. It didn't matter where I was, or what I was doing. If I was awake, I was gaming in one way or another. To this day, my only memory of the several trips to Spain my family undertook during the 80's, is the insane amounts of turtles acting like assholes.

"This is the pinnacle of graphics!"
Me, at some point, probably.

DJ Helmet Turntable

A 360 turntable of a helmet made in Zbrush that was later 3D-printed and assembled with electronics to be used by a DJ at a product line launch event. The printing was done by Additive Edge and assembly, electronics and painting of the actual print by Gothenburg Prop Makers.

And this is what the end result looked like:

Please take the time to like if you enjoyed the video, and don't be afraid to leave a comment. For easy access to all of my videos, subscibe to my youtube channel.

Orc Bolta Turntable

A 360 turntable of the Bolta held by the Orc Nob that I posted earlier. The base mesh was made in Maya and then refined in Zbrush, and the whole design was based on a concept sketch that I drew in 2-point perspective.

And here is the concept sketch:

Please take the time to like if you enjoyed the video, and don't be afraid to leave a comment. For easy access to all of my videos, subscibe to my youtube channel.

Orc Nob Turntable

A 360 turntable of an Orc Nob that I made in Zbrush a while ago. Including HD-geometry, it weighs in at roughly 40 million polygons. Perhaps not the most streamlined usage of geometry, but it was one of my first sculpts in Zbrush and one of the best things about Zbrush is the fact that keeping the polycount low is simply not a priority.

Please take the time to like if you enjoyed the video, and don't be afraid to leave a comment. For easy access to all of my videos, subscibe to my youtube channel.

KSP Advanced Docking Tutorial

In this Let's Play video for Kerbal Space Program I'll show you how to dock a vehicle when the only docking port is still attached to the launch rocket. In order to follow along, you'll need a basic understanding of regular docking procedures. I hope someone finds it useful, or am I the only one who tends to launch vehicles for docking, only to realise (much too late) that I forgot to add a docking port to the top of the last stage as well?

I suppose I should name the maneuver something. How about "Reverse Arse Thrusting"?

Please take the time to like if you enjoyed the video, and don't be afraid to leave a comment. For easy access to all of my videos, subscibe to my youtube channel.

Speed Sculpt of an Alien Creature

Another speed sculpt, this time a bust of an alien creature. I overshot the time limit I had set up for my self (one hour) and ended up spending roughly one hour forty minutes on the model.

I now realise that the finished model shares a striking resemblance with Garus from Mass Effect, something I had not planned on as I began. I only knew that I wanted to make some sort of alien, but I guess Garrus must have been lurking at the back of my mind.

Please take the time to like if you enjoyed the video, and don't be afraid to leave a comment. For easy access to all of my videos, subscibe to my youtube channel.

Speed Sculpt of a Human Male

Speed sculpts are great for refining your anatomy knowledge, honing your skills and learning to deal with tight schedules. They can be any length, but in my opinion they work best when kept below two hours. The point is not to get a perfect sculpt, but to get your hands moving and your brain working, and it helps to use a timer.

Here's a one hour speed sculpt of a human male bust, sped up 4x the original speed. Going in I only knew that I wanted to make a bust of an old man, the rest I discovered as I went along.

Please take the time to like if you enjoyed the video, and don't be afraid to leave a comment. For easy access to all of my videos, subscibe to my youtube channel.